Hormone Therapies for Men
Did you know as men age they lose 1% of their testosterone every year? Energy drops, libido drops, and fat mass increases. MD Longevity offers hormone replacement therapy for men that can make you thinner, smarter, less susceptible to heart disease, and enhance your sex drive.
Learn more about the secret behind the magic bullet for male health.
Our Critical Hormones for Men
- Growth Hormone (HGH)
- Testosterone
- Thyroid
Aging in Men
Andropause, the male equivalent of menopause, is real although more subtle than menopause. It is the process of male aging that starts at around 30 years of age and remains until the end of our life. It is marked by the slowing down of all hormones in the male body and therefore a slowing of all global capacities. While estrogen levels in women decline after menopause just the opposite occurs in men who experience rising estrogen as well as SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin). Increased abdominal fat and shrinking of muscle mass correlate with decreasing testosterone levels and rising estrogen levels, a hallmark of hormonal imbalance. These limit the amount and effectiveness of testosterone, a vital hormone.
The loss of testosterone as with HGH contributes to the familiar “potbelly” and declining muscle tone in middle-aged men. Energy levels inevitably drop, as well as motivation, and fat mass increases. Cardiac output declines, lung capacity decreases, and other organ functions diminish. Also, loss of feeling of well-being sometimes manifests as depression and lack of motivation, which is a common psychological complication of hormonal imbalance. Many other diseases that middle-aged men begin experiencing attributed to decreasing hormone levels are abdominal weight gain, prostate and heart disease, elevated cholesterol, and angina.
The steady decline in hormone levels in males manifests as inhibition of physical, sexual, and cognitive function, waning interest in sex, difficulty in having and maintaining an erection, decreased sexual satisfaction, as well as fatigue, irritability, aches, and pains, and
The four cornerstones
of our program for men
- Bioidentical hormone therapy
- Low glycemic nutrition and calorie restriction, appropriate micro-nutrients and nutraceuticals
- Aerobic and resistance training exercise
- Stress Reduction
Testosterone Treatment for Men
Testosterone treatment for men is a medical breakthrough that offers real hope to men who suffer from lackluster energy levels, limp libidos, and an ever-growing potbelly. It is true – men lose about 1 percent of their testosterone each year and, without medical intervention, never regain the health and vitality of their youth. All-natural bio-identical hormones, like those prescribed by Ann J. Peters, help men enhance their sex drive and become thinner, smarter, and less susceptible to heart disease by reclaiming the testosterone lost with age.
Why Do Testosterone Levels Decrease?
Advancing age, injury, illness, environmental exposure to toxins, medications, stress, obesity, and alcoholism can decrease testosterone levels.
Age is a common cause of low testosterone levels among men. As a man grows older, his testes begin to shrink and produce less testosterone – about 1 percent less each year after the age of 30. This means a 55-year-old man could be manufacturing only 75 percent of the testosterone his body needs to function well. Such a substantial loss in this critical hormone leaves a man feeling drained, achy, moody, and weak.
Low Testosterone Levels
Decrease Health and Quality of Life
Low testosterone levels decrease a man’s health and negatively affect his quality of life. Without supplementation, a man with low testosterone might experience:
- Decreased muscle mass
- Increased body fat
- Cholesterol levels changes, usually for the worse
- Decrease in red blood cells, possibly resulting in mild anemia
- Fragile bones that fracture easily
- Less body hair
Benefits of Testosterone Treatment for Men
Testosterone treatment for men, like that provided by Dr. Ann Peters, is an effective and safe therapy for low testosterone levels. Benefits include increased energy levels, a robust libido, better sleep, bigger muscles, happier moods, and greater self-confidence. Male hormone replacement therapy helps men regain that vim and vigor of their youth.