Nutrition for anti aging
The diet plan most synergistic with hormone therapy is reminiscent of the Paleolithic nutrition eaten by our ancestors. They ate highly nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, essential fats, and virtually no refined, overly processed fats and simple carbohydrates. For thousands of years, humans ate very simply: if it grew from the ground, fell from the trees, or ran across our path, we ate it.
It took thousands of years for our digestive systems to adapt to the addition of small amounts of grains and dairy products. There is no way we have adapted to the additives, preservatives, colorings, and flavorings that now dominate our food choices.
Even products like sugar have taken a very unnatural turn. Recent government research shows that in 1994, sugar consumption averaged 149 pounds per person per year! That’s a far cry from our sugar-free, hunter/gatherer days. Our bodies have not caught up with the dietary changes we made and the results are disastrous. The rates of heart attacks, type II diabetes, obesity, strokes, hypertension, and gastrointestinal disorders just keep climbing. Fortunately, all of these symptoms can be greatly improved by positive dietary changes.
- To maximize the results of your hormone supplementation program
- To prevent illnesses such as heart disease, type II diabetes, and cancer
- To boost the body’s immune function
Maximizing Hormone Supplementation
Therapy with Growth Hormone
Our nutritional plan is designed to keep blood sugar as low as possible as this is crucial for the management of insulin. Adding human growth hormones to the body increases levels of IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1). Insulin actually decreases IGF production. The liver inhibits IGF-1 production.
Preventing Illness
Many of the leading causes of death in this country such as heart disease, type II diabetes, cancer, etc. can be directly linked to poor dietary choices. The average American diet is overloaded with
- saturated fats
- trans-fats
- refined flour
- sugar
- preservatives
- artificial colors
- artificial flavors and sweeteners
- antibiotic and pesticide residues
and many other substances that are toxic to the body. Over time this continued barrage of chemicals and empty calories leads to decreased health and, ultimately, illness. Cutting out foreign chemicals and adding nutrient-dense foods into the diet can work wonders for those seeking optimal health.
Boosting the body’s immune function
The body’s immune system is miraculous. When given the proper nutrients, it can fend off colds, bacteria, viruses, and even cancer without you being aware that anything is wrong. By consistently eating a diet high in phytonutrients (plant nutrients), essential fats, lean protein, and fiber, we can provide our body with all the tools it needs to fight off foreign invaders, repair tissues, and maintain a general state of good health.
Nutritional Supplements
Taking optimal amounts of nutritional supplements is a cornerstone of any comprehensive anti-aging program; you simply cannot get enough of these nutrients from a normal diet for optimum health.
Because natural foods, including fruits and vegetables, are depleted in vitamins and minerals, we also need to supplement our basic micro and macro-nutrients.