This supplement should be a part of every daily vitamin regimen.  Experts agree the benefits of supplementation are numerous.  It is good for your heart, brain, joints, skin, hair and nails, eyes, blood sugar, and can even boost fertility by improving sperm motility.

Omega-3 is good for the HEART by preventing dangerous heart rhythm disturbances, reducing “stickiness” of blood, lowering bad cholesterol levels (LDL and triglycerides), improving good cholesterol (HDL), and lowering blood pressure, and many cardiologists are adding it to their patient’s regimens.  Omega-3 improves brain BRAIN function by keeping arteries clear and can reduce depression by stabilizing neurotransmitters.

Omega-3 helps lubricate the JOINTS, thereby protecting joints from degeneration and injury.  Omega-3 restores the natural “glow” of youthful SKIN by making the outer layer of the skin thicker and smoother, thereby decreasing wrinkles.  Leading Ophthalmologists are now adding Omega-3 to their recommendations as Omega-3 protects vision by maintaining the delicate membranes in the retina of the EYES.  Omega-3 naturally enhances insulin function and is beneficial for appropriate BLOOD SUGAR modulation.  Omega-3 is also crucial for fetal brain development in pregnant women.

Consume more foods high in Omega-3.  A few good food sources of Omega-3 are wild salmon, sardines, walnuts, olive oil, flax seeds, avocados, and Omega-3 fortified eggs.  Use extra virgin olive oil for cooking, and make sure to cook on low heat.  Western diets are high in Omega-6 (pro-inflammatory), therefore, it is difficult to obtain appropriate amounts of Omega-3 from food sources alone.

The most effective way to increase Omega-3 is to supplement with fish oil.  Fish oil supplements vary in amounts of ratios of DHA and EPA.  Read the labels and may sure the supplement has at least 600 mg of DHA per dose.  The total dose of fish oils is expressed as the total amount of DHA and EPA combined.  Many supplements contain Vitamin E or other antioxidants to stabilize the oils and to prevent them from becoming rancid.  Many fish oils require refrigeration to prevent spoiling.  If you have trouble with “fishy burps”, you can put them in the freezer without destroying effectiveness.

Dosing should begin with at least 1000 mg of total fish oil twice a day for maintaining good health.  To improve heart health a dose of 2000 mg fish oil twice daily, or higher is recommended.

Your entire body will thank you!