Anti aging medicine is a lifestyle

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Anti Aging Medicine

Anti-aging medicine is a medically sound and supervised lifestyle that keeps you healthy and allows you to reduce the effects of aging, even as you progress through the life changes of menopause or and ropause, the male equivalent. MD Longevity’s anti-aging medicine program focuses on bioidentical hormone supplementation and optimization, enzyme inhibitors, pharmaceuticals, cognitive enhancers, good dietary strategies, high-grade nutraceuticals, fitness counseling and stress reduction techniques.

With two offices in New York and San Francisco, our anti-aging medical program supports clients from all over the world.

The Stages of Aging

In our Teens

  • Hormone levels peak

In our Twenties

  • Hormone levels begin to decline
  • Free radical damage starts

In our Thirties

  • Hormone levels continue to decline to less than 25%
  • Cellular damage ensues

In our Forties

  • All critical hormones continue to decline
  • Hair starts to gray
  • Decrease in visual acuity
  • Increase in skin pigmentation
  • Collagen fiber breakdown
  • Muscle and skeletal breakdown

Call 888 545 3047 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ann J Peters in her anti-aging clinics in New York or San Francisco or email for more information. Learn how you can reduce the effects of aging.